Trinity Mei - “more time”

Photo by Mya Hink

Arizona-based Trinity Mei has just revealed the folksy enchantment of her new single, “more time,” a journey through the ubiquitous feeling of falling behind.

The track ethereally fades in before revealing the determined strums of an acoustic guitar. Mei’s vocal soon appears, gentle and emotive as she offers a vivid portrayal of the sensation that comes from being nostalgic for one’s youth– how time waits for no one as “another moment’s lonely in its grave.”

more time” delves into the ideas of imposter syndrome, something many artists tend to struggle with. It is not uncommon to lack a sense of belonging, wondering if you’ve peaked, if the next song will be better than the last. This is another universal feeling that resonates deeply within us, and one of the reasons this song needs to be heard.

The first half of the track is home to a fairly sparse arrangement, but as the multiple layers of vocals arrive, it becomes quite clear that our ears are in for a glorious crescendo. The punch of a kick drum arrives with some deep bass, revealing a sonic depth to match the song’s introspection.

more time” is a gentle ride through your emotions, offering a dynamic shift at the end, changing keys before retreating into an extremely raw and intimate conclusion. In its four-minute duration, it manages to run through a spectrum of styles to match the flood of thoughts that often overwhelm us as we worry about how quickly time slips aways from us all.



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