Cloudbelly - “November”

Cloudbelly from the USA has just released the dazzling indie folk track “November.”  The song is a wistful, joyful hymn to precarious love and the void it leaves behind.

November” is built around a gentle but relentless acoustic guitar groove that gives the same sensation as traveling on a train. Unusual, ethereal sounds delicately pad the chugging texture of the acoustic. These two elements create a reflective atmosphere that draws you into the composition.

As the song progresses, a deep and warm bass is introduced, giving the song a solid foundation. The drum kit enters just after enhancing the song’s sense of relentless, forward momentum with a gorgeous, rustic sounding beat.

Melancholic strings begin to emerge underneath as the song enters its final sections. These layers also infuse a rich elegance to the composition. The tones are contrasted by subtle, dreamy keys that satisfyingly enhance the meditative atmosphere.

The vocals on “November” are a real highlight. The intimate delivery is rich in melody and has an enjoyable, steady cadence that is reinforced by backing vocals. There is a nice sense of width and depth throughout as the performance navigates the complexities of love.

Cloudbelly have created a striking and emotionally resonant indie folk song with “November.” With its beautiful vocal layering and delicate, well-crafted sound, the song will leave you wanting more.


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