KYTES - “Mister Burns”

Munich-based KYTES have just returned from a sold out European tour, and just in time to give the world “Mister Burns,” a giant ball of energetic indie-pop.

“Mister Burns” is a fast-paced, straight-up scorching psuedo-homage to the evil millionaire from The Simpsons. Believe us when we tell you that this concept is not as funny as it might seem, and that you should really listen to it before you even start to judge. In its under-three-minute runtime, “Mister Burns” puts its hooks straight into you via infectious indie oblivion. The guitar riffs are on fire, akin to older Vampire Weekend– after they’ve, perhaps, had far too many espressos. The song is so fast that it’s over before you know it, with nary a moment to catch your breath until then.

The vocals are very well done– we’ll even go out on a limb and say that they’re some of the finest we’ve heard coming from this brand of indie. And as fast as the music is, the lyrics still manage to find a medium-paced pocket in which to reside, leaving them, for the most part, easily understood. “Mister Burns” is the tale of how we all have a little bit of Mister Burns inside of us, with all of our worldly flaws, and the trick to life is, simply: “don’t let the evil guy win.”

So, dear music listener, if you find that your coffee is not brewing quite fast enough, pour yourself a cup of KYTES and you’ll wake the f*** right up.

And, of course, here’s some Spotify for the Spotifyers:



Varas - “New Light”


Hotel Hugo - “Redwood”