Amber & The Moon - “Palace of Gold”

Palace of Gold,” by Amber & The Moon, is an extremely ethereal and smoky song. The track, while very melancholy, has a longing, bleak charm that is incredibly haunting. The vocal performance is delicate… almost secretive, yet, at the same time, confessional. It reminds me of the quieter vocal deliveries of Stevie Nicks… not in texture… but there is that same, dreamy vibe.

When the backing vocals add their support, it wonderfully adds to this mysterious feeling that Amber & The Moon have created. The sense of space in “Palace of the Moon” is spectacular and each sound has been chosen with the utmost care. Warm organ tones that pad the song’s key sections serve as its foundation. Throughout the song, distorted guitars and a steady percussion beat slowly pulse… only offering themselves when they need to be present. The bass moves along swaggeringly, with unusual percussive sounds also adding to the groove– almost resembling the moving of chains. For me, the overall sound strongly evokes 1970s soft/blues rock. This is such a beautiful song.

Amber & The Moon says: “‘Palace Of Gold’ tells of a brief moment of awakening from a self-imposed blindness. The anonymity of the masses allows us to occasionally look away and to escape the unpleasant truth of reality. It is so much easier to fade into silence than to actually be there, listen and react to everything that is happening in this life.”


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