Phot by Eric Daniels

USA-based ZAADI PHILLIPS have just released the lush and dreamy song, “Colors.” The song is built around a steady drum beat, with additional, minimal layers that are used wonderfully. A deep bass forms the foundation with acoustic guitar adding warmth to the song’s groove.

Colors” magnificently grows in power and size over the chorus sections. In these areas, a delicate synth arpeggio is added, which adds a sense of wonder and depth to the song lyrics. The song then quickly dies back for the verse sections, allowing a more intimate delivery. In these areas, the only additions to the soundscape are the odd touches of electric guitar and lo-fi pad noises.

But the real highlight here is the vocal. Coated in a healthy dose of reverb, it washes over the song, giving the arrangement a vivid sonic landscape. The vocal gently delivers the lyrics whilst surrounded by breathy, ethereal harmonies. The layers are hypnotising and enhance the musical journey. The song is simply captivating from its effortless groove to its elegant production.

The band says: “The spirit of this song was caught in a Motel 6 in the middle of Texas in early 2021 during that crazy Texas freeze. It was right after my stepfather passed, and a friend’s fiancé passed away suddenly. It’s about making peace with those that pass on and feeling/seeing them even though they aren’t with us anymore. This song is one of the first songs we wrote as ZAADI PHILLIPS and a character-defining song for the entire project.” 

Colors” is a dreamy and immersive song. The dynamics change beautifully and the vocal layers are guaranteed to whisk you away. The song is definitely one to check out.  


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