Constant Follower + Scott William Urquhart - “Waves Crash Here”

The collaboration between Constant Follower and Scott William Urquhart on their new single, “Waves Crash Here,” is a spellbinding sonic experience. The song opens with a distorted, Brian Eno-esque soundscape of noise that sets the mood for the dreamy, atmospheric folk that follows.

The fingerpicked acoustic guitar forms the backbone of the song. The guitar’s tones literally sing as it is played. It is beautifully enhanced by Constant Follower's subtle synth lines. The synths create a spacious and ethereal sound that is contrasted by sweeping, moody electric guitar that is distorted to crushed fuzz and feedback. The guitar creates a warm, enveloping psychedelic element.

The vocals on “Waves Crash Here” are gentle, relaxed and breathy. They are almost meditative in their delivery. The vocal enhances the overall dreamlike quality that the music nurtures.

Overall, “Waves Crash Here” is a gorgeous collaboration between Constant Follower and Scott William Urquhart, resulting in a truly magical and captivating song.


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