The Western Civilization - “Noctambulism”

Photo by Jack Potts

From Texas, indie rockers The Western Civilization have prepared quite the elegant dish for your insatiable musical appetite– wrap your ears around the sounds of “Noctambulism.”

Pressing play shall prompt the tender and melodious marriage of gentle guitar and piano, intertwined in a magnificently cinematic soundscape. A distant synth rounds out the production, with the slightest hints of percussive elements along the outer edge. However, we implore you not to be fooled by the sparse and delicate intro to this song, for it grows into an extravagant beast.

The vocals of Reggie O’Farrell and Rachel Hansbro soon emerge, gloriously locked inside of a constant harmony that is bound to instantly enchant all who hear. And while they have your full attention, the arrangement secretly builds in the background, initiating an ever-growing and natural crescendo that elevates the sonic space as though an approaching rogue wave of epic sound.

The second half of “Noctambulism” reveals a full band production, with a fully fleshed rhythm section and driving layers of guitars. Magically, O’Farrell and Hansbro are able to maintain the intimate nature of their vocal performance above this churning sea of musical elements. And when these mighty waters part to reveal the line, ‘It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay,” we are suddenly and completely swept up in the glorious culmination of all these moving parts.

In just under five minutes, “Noctambulism” will run you through a gamut of emotions, ebbing and flowing as it echoes our earthly existence. If we had three wishes, one would be to see this song performed live. And while we figure out a way to make that happen, you should give their new record, Fractions of a Whole, a good spin, now available everywhere:



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