Sorin - “Everything Is New”

Photo by Lisa Lankes

Romania-born, Berlin-based singer-songwriter Sorin returns to our blog with the illustrious sounds of “Everything Is New,” a song that urges listeners to leave the past behind.

Everything Is New” begins with a transcendent acoustic guitar performance, finger-plucked to perfection, with the lower tones resounding gloriously throughout the sonic space. The mood is chill and introspective, immediately welcoming us all into the mellifluous universe that is Sorin.

We do not have to wait long before Sorin’s magnificent, multi-layered vocal enters the arrangement in vast waves of ethereal glory. Textures of reverberating harmonies entwine themselves into the production, resulting in a soundscape that is, in a word, otherworldly.

Fans of Elliott Smith, RY X , and Hazlett are bound to find a new favorite artist here, as “Everything Is New” is primarily built upon multiple veneers of vocal tracks, resulting in an exuberant listening experience. Other than the guitar, the bountiful vocals are the only other existing element(s), which, as far as we’re concerned, is quite the musical feat.

For those of you seeking to let go of the past and embrace change, let “Everything Is New” become your anthemic means of motivation. The track comes from Sorin’s new record, While The Tides Turn, now available everywhere.

Connect with Sorin: Instagram | Spotify | Facebook



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