Sam Vano - “Luther King Park”

Luther King Park” is the impressive debut single from Sam Vano and it is a masterclass in sound design. His singing is always unhurried and flows over the music very well, in a calm, cool way.

This tune has an incredibly beautiful electric guitar tone. It resembles warm, melted chocolate or the breaking of a wave on a sunny beach. It has a dark but lush growl, and I hope someone will email me the guitar and amp setup so I can use it myself. This tone serves as the “sauce.” The main “cake” of the song is an incredibly beautiful, acoustic finger-picking pattern that follows the straightforward drum beat.

One of the creative highlights for me is the reverse guitar solo. It isn’t “trippy” in the sense of say The BeatlesI’m Only Sleeping,” but, instead, provides an emotional feel to its playback performance.

Vano’s debut EP, Solitaire, will be released in March and after this impressive debut, I will definitely be putting a note in my calendar for it. The artist’s take on the song is that “it captures two people trying to explain to their child that they were once in love, but aren’t anymore.”


Dom Malin - “All I Know”


Virens - “Salut!”