Päter - “Something // Way”

Toronto-based indie artist Parmida Kakavand, aka Päter, has just released the energetic “Something // Way,” a song about self-doubt that leans quite heavily into the influences of The Strokes and The Killers.

Something // Way” begins rather abruptly, immediately catching the listener’s interest with a powerful, staccato explosion of drums, bass, and guitar. We marvel here at the force that is achieved without the heavy use of distortion before the song is carried into a solid groove for the first verse. Päter’s vocal is confident and clear as the lyrics describe wanting something, practically achieving it, then fumbling everything. It’s a subject matter that should deeply resonate with most people, as everyone, at one time or another, has felt the rage in failing at something.

Päter’s voice is not saturated with angst, almost leading to the message being delivered as a means of celebration. And this makes perfect sense when you consider the idea that if we take ourselves too seriously, missing the mark can be quite devastating. So, as far as we’re concerned, Päter has evolved to take these setbacks and turn them into a confident stride. This is most evident on the hook, as the vocals slide into their upper register, complete with soft harmonies, offering a gentle and empathic soundtrack for all of our future failures.

There are some fantastic moments of ear candy within “Something // Way,” such as the call-and-response vocals on the second verse– a glorious way to keep the song pushing forward. We even hear a bit of a Beach Boys influence on the bridge, and whether this is intentional or not, the layering of vocals here is a sure-fire way to keep the listener engaged. Finally, the intermittent use of castanets, again, bring a lightheartedness to the subject matter, practically begging for you to press play on this one, again and again.



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