Paper Lane - “Better In My Head”

From Brisbane, Paper Lane have taken a common dilemma and set it to music with “Better In My Head.” This gentle indie rocker explores the idea that no matter how prepared you are for a social interaction, the conversation generally sounds better in your head.

Paper Lane do not waste any time with this one, hitting us with a few, delicately strummed chords before topping it off with a dash of lead guitar. The rhythm section pours right in, carrying with it the vocals and, call us crazy, but we are hearing elements of both Lorde and Stevie Nicks in lead vocalist Taleena Peck’s delivery, from the soft, breathy rasp on end syllables, to the controlled and emotional vibrato.

The overall sound is thick with a vintage vibe, a sound with which are fondly familiar. The hook delivers some subtle vocal harmonies, which we constantly preach will elevate a chorus to a new level. And while the subject matter is what initially won us over with this one, there’s a tastefully deployed guitar solo just past the midpoint, followed by a fantastic, dynamic shift in the form of a breakdown before the final chorus.

While we typically prefer a darker and grittier mood with our indie rock, once you’ve heard “Better In My Head,” you will understand how we simply could not resist featuring it on the blog. This is the band’s debut single, which means that, hopefully, much more music is on the way.



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