Paige Su - “You’ll Live Forever in My Songs”

From Taiwan, we would like to welcome to the blog Paige Su. Su has defeated cancer, won a Golden Indie Music Award, and now she has announced her new record with her latest single, “You’ll Live Forever in My Songs.”

You’ll Live Forever in My Songs” takes the listener on a sparse journey through a vast array of emotions, causing one to ponder their own existence and experiences and long for their loved ones to always be within reach. For the first portion of this raw and heartfelt journey, Su’s vocal performance is very intimate as there is no place for her to hide behind additional instruments– it’s just the piano and the heart on her sleeve.

However, after the first minute and forty-five seconds, we are joined by drums, bass, and backing vocals that act as playful spirits, wonderfully gliding over the top of Su’s insightful lyrics. And be sure to keep your ears peeled for some expertly placed bass fills that bring a vintage touch to this emotional production.

The bridge includes some gang vocals that were quite unexpected, yet very welcome, creating this world where much has changed since the song first began. We’re not going to get all philosophical on you and claim that this shows the beauty of change that comes with patience, but we could. Overall, this song a joyous celebration of life, on many levels, and we are very happy to share it here.



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