Mike Baretz - “Wrong”

If the seasons could write songs, the approaching winter would likely sound like Mike Baretz’s new track, “Wrong.” It begins (please, forgive me) in the same, orchestral manner as a holiday track, though I would much rather hear this song any time I try to shop for groceries over the next two months. Maybe I’m wrong. And maybe that’s why he titled it that…

Before I get too far off course, “Wrong” shifts suddenly to a Beatles-esque acoustic guitar, finger plucked to perfection, with the orchestral layers following suit before the vocal begins. And when you first hear Baretz sing, be prepared to become lost inside of his tender voice and his honest, melancholic tone. Though I cannot think of any similar artists by which to draw any comparisons, let me say that this track would sit nicely on a playlist with the likes of Flyte or Old Sea Brigade.

Wrong” is full of well placed atmospheric enhancements, thanks to the aforementioned orchestral additions and some perfectly placed, synthy swells and backing vocals. Baretz’s artist profile does not offer anything more than: “making songs in my bedroom,” and, no offense, Mike, but we hope that you stay in your room a bit longer because the world needs more songs like this one.

And, of course, “Wrong” is available on Spotify:



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Bandcamp Friday!