Manuok - “Sui Generis”

USA-based Manuok has just released “Sui Generis.” The track is strikingly poignant and thought provoking as it explores the issue of mass shootings. The track imbues a sense of subdued disheartenment, as well as a lush, indie vibrancy. The song is built around mellow but rough-edged acoustic guitar tones. The untidy nature of the playing, complete with string buzz, radiates a punkish, urgent and introspective vibe over the verses.

As we hit the choruses, “Sui Generis“ grows dynamically, allowing a pleasing sense of contrast. There is a great introspective indie vibe here as the melody is allowed to lift. A second acoustic guitar enters, widening the sonic landscape whilst bass and drums push the composition forward in a relaxed groove. The electric guitar in these sections is a real highlight. Rather than assuming a lead role, it exquisitely plays with texture.

At the half way point, a fuzzed-out guitar injects another raw, unpolished layer. This helps to underline the emotional feel of the despondent tinged lyrics. In the final sections, the guitars begin to slowly arpeggiate, punctuating the tracks introspection. The vocals on “Sui Generis” alternate between a hypnotic inflection over the verses and a grunge-like melancholy over the choruses. The breathy, subdued performance radiates intimacy and vulnerability whilst giving a thoughtful awareness of melody.

With grungy undertones, Manuok’s “Sui Generis” is a solemn meditation on the blight of mass shootings in the USA. The song masterfully navigates this issue in an engaging and melodically raw fashion.  


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