Kellie Loder - “When We Kiss”

Photo by Brody White

We do not generally dip our toes in music that has been steeped in romantic sentiment, but something about Kellie Loder’s “When We Kiss” has left us genuinely enchanted. Subject matter aside, there’s absolutely no doubt that this Canada-based JUNO award nominee knows how to pen a tune, and this is immediately obvious upon pressing play.

When We Kiss” opens with some intimate acoustic guitar tones, bringing the listener to the front row of Loder’s serenade. The vocal joins, warm and full, and we can already imagine this tune being passed between the playlists of lovers– future, former, or completely unrequited. It’s the kind of song that promptly draws out your emotions, which you can, in turn, stretch out like a detailed timeline of the human heart.

Soft piano keys join the arrangement, expanding the sound in small increments as the track enters its gentle crescendo. Bass emerges on the refrain, bringing a substantial weight and width to the soundscape and foreshadowing the arrival of additional elements. Finally, the drum kit makes an appearance with the start of the second verse, completely rounding out the sound and providing some forward momentum.

The highlight here, of course, is Loder’s vocal performance, delightfully layered with a soft harmony that we simply cannot resist. And, like it or not, in a world full of love songs, it is often difficult to find one that does not go overboard on sentimentally. We are therefore very pleased to inform you that “When We Kiss” can be enjoyed by even the most solitary of music lovers. Enjoy!



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