Luna Keller - “She’s Not Good For Me“

Photo by Frank Timmers

Spanish/ German singer-songwriter Luna Keller has just released “She’s Not Good For Me,” another stripped-back morsel of indie folk from her forthcoming LP, Ocean Inside Of Me.

If you’ve been paying attention, Keller has managed to win us over with each new glimpse into the spirit of her new record. Many of the songs have shed a poignant light on her struggles with mental health and, as a result, have deeply resonated within us; “She’s Not Good For Me” is absolutely no exception.

While this intimate number is not host to an overpopulated arrangement, it utilizes the sparseness of the production to build a bridge between songwriter and listener– after all, it is often these emotional bonds that lead us to music in the first place. “She’s Not Good For Me” focuses on the raw sounds of an acoustic guitar and Keller’s magnificent vocal, divulging lyrics that introduce us to her inner struggles as though they are an entity.

Wonderful textures of auxiliary vocals are placed at key moments, reverberating off of the walls of the sonic space like a choir of emotion. Over the course of the song, the arrangement is joined by a soft harmony, adding dimension to the composition and ensuring that the listener receives some spoonfuls of ear candy. And as “She’s Not Good For Me” reaches the peak of its crescendo, swells of strings are brought to the foreground, accompanied by the subtle pulse of a kick drum.

Speaking of the song, Keller adds: “Recovery from a mental health struggle is not at all linear and coming to terms with that is hard. I still have triggers and tough moments, but I have better tools and a new perspective to deal with them in a compassionate way. This song is a testament to that process.”

She’s Not Good For Me” is the eighth installment from Keller’s concept album, Ocean Inside Of Me, and we have enjoyed watching her story unfold with each new release. We hope that you will take the time to give this one a good, hard listen, as well as delve into her previous releases: “OvergrownThe Philosopher” “Invisible Wars” “Swallow The Sea” “Not Ready” “Shoulder

Connect with Luna Keller: Instagram | Spotify | Facebook | X | Bandcamp



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