LOUISE - “the OC”

Nashville-based LOUISE has just released the highly creative indie pop track, “the OC.” The song takes us on a stylishly breezy journey through heartbreak and nostalgia.

the OC” is built around an incredibly smooth groove that is slightly reminiscent of bossa nova. The rhythmic drive has that same elegance and playful flair. This is wonderfully enhanced by percussive elements, like shaker, and the mellow drive of clean electric guitar. The result is music that is completely infused with dreaminess.

As we hit the chorus sections, acoustic guitar is introduced, bringing a brighter, driving texture to the composition. This is contrasted tastefully by a stylophone/synthy/theremin-like sound, lending a splash of colour and a touch of the unusual.

The track truly is creative and it is hard to do it justice in a review, but I really like the attention to detail when it comes to ear candy. Little tape-stop noises and even a brief moment of silence is used to punctuate the arrangement. As we enter the closing stages, the avant-garde vibes really begin to permeate–synth tones warble and intensify, growing increasingly darker and grittier.

The vocals on “the OC” are strikingly playful, breathy, and gorgeously melodic. Filtering effects are used in places to create a pleasing sense of contrast and ebb and flow. The backing vocals are also superb and bring a real sense of life to the lyrical narrative.

the OC,” by LOUISE, is a masterclass in creative emotional storytelling– you truly feel as though you are on a journey as the track unfolds. This is definitely not one to miss.


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