Kalila Badali - “Potato”

Kalila Badali’s “Potato” is a song full of surprises and exquisite backing vocal arrangements. I want to compare Badali to Grimes, specifically her early work… but Badali is a different artist to the ‘Future Pop’ Queen. And with her new song, “Potato,” the Canadian alt folk/pop artist confronts pain and loss, dressed up in upbeat and ethereal melodies.

Warm and delicate finger-picked acoustic guitar introduces the song, but quickly finds an unexpected groove. A bass line is introduced that creates an upbeat, bouncing feel. This is complemented by a variety of percussive sounds, some of which pan around the audio field, creating a nice layer of ear cand and what I can only describe as a new-age, trippy vibe that permeates this segment.

This mood is enhanced with the main chorus section in this part of the song, which features an electric piano/organ pad sound and a tambourine that adds a healthy swagger to the overall groove. The moment we get into the song’s vibe, Badali surprises us by switching to a slower, dreamier tempo. This passage reminds me of music from the Moon Safari era of Air. A gentle rhythm is provided again by warm acoustic guitar as the bass finds a calm and tranquil groove. The percussion is slow and relaxed, allowing other sounds, like piano, to add gorgeous layers of texture.

The vocal layers in the song are expertly orchestrated. The lead vocal has a healthy dose of reverb as it sings the well written lyrics… but, for me, the backing vocal layers steal the show. I truly love the transcendental backing vocals. They are soothing and mesmerising. Lyrically, “Potato” explores worries and questions about dying, spending time with loved ones before they pass away, as well as the desire to conceal and avoid the agony that comes with facing loss.

Potato” is taken from the Panacea EP.

-John Michie


Hazlett - “Blame The Moon”


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