Bim Tyler - “Hermit Crab”

Bim Tyler has just released “Hermit Crab,” a beautifully crafted piece of music. It isn’t flashy, yet is happy to include some unusual elements, including a combination of electronic and acoustic sounds. The opening electronic drum beat has a slight 1980s vibe. It lays down a solid rhythm, yet never overpowers the arrangement. Recordings of the sea’s waves help create the tone for the rest of the song. The fingerpicked acoustic guitar is enchanting and the lap steel also gives a sense of the sea, elegantly filling the song with swells of sound, with the addition of the organ providing a traditional and pure texture. The vocals are well-performed and natural, adding to the song’s authenticity. There is no over-the-top effects or perceivable manipulation of the tuning. The modest organ solo is a unique touch and adds to the song’s charm. Overall, “Hermit Crab” is a lovely and song that has a lot of character.

The artist says: “This is a song I wrote about living on a sailboat in the Caribbean during the pandemic, with the famous Tiktoker Hannahsailing as she rose to fame and all of our time together exploring.”


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