French Cassettes - “Megabus”

Photo by Marisa Bazan

San Francisco-based French Cassettes return to the blog with the fresh, folksy sounds of “Megabus,” the next single from their forthcoming LP, Benzene.

They are definitely not looking to waste anyone’s time with “Megabus,” and after a brief acoustic guitar-led intro, the rhythm section snaps into position with all of its vintage-tinged glory. There is simply no denying the distinct analog character on display here and, by the ten-second mark, we are immediately hooked on the track’s warm and irresistible sound.

Listeners will be pleased to discover that the vocal performance arrives with the rest of the band, bearing the same enchanting flavor of “Medium Horny,” the last single they sent over to us. However, unlike the previous tune, they’ve most assuredly latched onto a more stripped-back production, complete with a divine vocal harmony that hits us right in our folksy sweet spot.

Layers upon layers of aux vocals are present and accounted for during the refrain, along with a tasty serving of keys to add a substantial, otherworldly width to the arrangement. We’re picking up a vibe akin to The Shins and early-era Wilco and, whether intentional or not, we feel that “Megabus” will reach directly into your hearts and mash the nostalgia button.

If your ears have grown weary of the seemingly mass produced singles on modern radio, then “Megabus” will fill a void that only authentic craftsmanship can fill. It has been imbued with a late-‘60s/ early-‘70s creamy texture that will have you pre-ordering Benzene before the song has finished playing.

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