Frances Fang have a new EP!

Bass and drums, baby! As a guitarist, I’ve known for some time that my instrument is… let’s just say it’s optional. Well, add Frances Fang to the growing list of bands like Royal Blood, Death from Above 1979, and Lightning Bolt, proving this point with impunity! I don’t mind when the music rocks– and this does! It’s hard-driving rock with considerable punk overtones. It’s more than the faint Dexter Holland vibes I’m getting from the stage-ready vocals– there’s a punk urgency bubbling up in these rock tunes that occasionally boils over, spills out onto the stove, and makes me glad that this is just a metaphor! Why? Because it’s so much easier to clean up a metaphor! These songs will steamroll you and leave you calling for a clean up on aisle 2. Overall, I could have used a little bit more dynamics throughout, but that’s mostly because I’m old and have a weak constitution.


Are you ready for Neil Dexter?


Bottlecap Mountain - “Kool”