Big Little Lions - “Worth The Time”

Out of Cincinnati, OH, we bring you the award winning indie band Big Little Lions and their latest release, “Worth The Time.” Spoiler alert: it is most certainly worth the time.

“Worth The Time” begins quite deliberately lo-fi, with a gentle nod to Of Monsters and Men in the way that its folksy male and female harmonies light the production’s path. From here, it subtly grows and expands, with the first chorus blooming into a superb sonic glory. At this point, any listener will notice the richness of the vibe that can only be delivered by a band who have spent years together honing their craft.

There are only a handful of instruments being used here– each finding its place and staying there in order to allow the appropriate pocket for the charming vocals. This little indie folk firecracker will make you feel good about living, so if you’ve found yourself with the winter blues, we suggest giving “Worth The Time” a few listens, multiple times per day, seven days per week, for the rest of your life.



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