Anna Hauss - “balance”

The song, “balance,” by Germany-based Anna Hauss, is a charming fusion of brightness and melancholy that captivates listeners with its sincere study of change and the search for equilibrium. This song is the second single from Hauss’ much anticipated first album, how long is now, which will be out on September 29th.

Fingerpicking on an electric guitar begins the song, helping to establish an intimate and reflective mood. The use of drums creates a nice groove that pushes the music along, and the arrangement is beautifully stripped back. An upright bass enters to provide a silky and smooth low end, giving the music depth and character. A second electric guitar arpeggiates, helping to provide width. The song is also padded in the odd place by bright key sounds and shimmering synths, resulting in a nice, dreamlike atmosphere that permeates the entire song.

Hauss’ vocal is gentle, inviting, and intimate. Her voice conveys a sense of vulnerability and emotional depth while being accompanied by great harmonising backing vocals. There is a nice retro feel to this enchanting song, which is, in part, a result of the artistic choices with the upright bass, but also a nice contemporary feel from the splashes of synths. This is definitely one to check out.


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