SWiiMS - “In Puzzles”

Toronto-based shoegazers SWiiMS arrive on our blog with the opulent and dreamy sounds of their new single, “In Puzzles.”

The track opens with a soothing and diaphanous soundscape comprised of the glorious remnants of swirling guitar feedback. There may also be a synth or two, but the result is instantly captivating and perfect for the approaching wall of shoegaze glory. At around thirty seconds deep, a quick drum fill ignites the arrangement, setting into motion a melodious ear-worm guitar hook. At this point, it becomes immediately apparent that this flavor of sound will score high across multiple genres, appealing to anyone who simply loves listening to good music.

The tempo bears a reasonably steep bpm, but “In Puzzles” still manages to land itself within our chill niche while the rhythm section tightly steers this musical vessel. The vocals are produced as though they are a message being transmitted through a dream– they effortlessly flow through the sonic space, delivering the process of decoding all the signals of a new relationship. But rest assured that you do not need to have fallen in love in order to enjoy every last note of this fantastic track.

If you dig the sounds of Slowdive, Alvvays, Beach Fossils, or Day Wave, you’re going to feel right at home with “In Puzzles.”

In Puzzles” is the opening track from SWiiMS’ new LP, Into The Blue Night, which is now available everywhere:



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