Soraia - “I Seek Fire”

I’m searching my house for a box of matches, because Soraia’s new single “I Seek Fire,” from their upcoming LP, Bloom (due October 28), is quite satisfying and I feel like they deserve the fire that they seek. With guitars that rock around the fretboard with old school swagger, drums that pound down to snare town, bass that builds rooms just to fill them with sound, and vocals that command full attention, this song has turned me into a pyromaniac.

As the chorus hits, I’m looking around for an ignition source and I realize I have found it! This song *IS* fire! I chuckle at the word play. My irony isn’t lost on me, nor is the meaning that singer ZouZou Mansour is actually talking about a relationship… with someone who isn’t me. And that’s ok, because I’m happily married, but this review isn’t about me, it’s about this cool rock song:

With a press release that includes flattering quotes from the likes of Joan Jett and Steven Van Zandt, Soraia doesn’t need praises from little old me, but they’ve earned them just the same! I think what they actually need is for you to give this a listen! While you’re at it, you should also check out some of these tour dates:


Punk Rock Saturday VII


Kamora - “Feel Alive”