Olen - “So Codependent”

The music that you hear when you’re in college is generally the music that sticks with you for the rest your life. And if you happened to be lucky enough to go to school in the late ‘90s, when the music was all killer and no filler, chances are you attended more than one party with Third Eye Blind blaring from the stereo. For these sweet memories alone, the new release from Olen is going to hit you pretty hard.

So Codependent” is sure to become one of your newest “guilty pleasures,” made abundantly clear by its initial lo-fi strums of guitar. It soon explodes with all the energy of Y2K, both vocally and lyrically reminiscent of a time when only your drug dealer had a cell phone and people actually made eye contact with one another.

Olen claims that the track first began as a joke between himself and co-writer, Tom Peyton, but soon turned into one of the most beloved songs from his upcoming EP. He “started singing the beginning of what became the verse melody, and we burst out laughing because we thought it would be hilarious if we tried to write something that could've been a Third Eye Blind song.”

And once you press play on “So Codependent,” not only will you be hit in the face with a wave of that late ‘90s sound, but you will hear Olen having the time of his freakin’ life. And with all the crap that the world has been through over the past few years, we really think that you all could use a bit more fun in your lives. So crank the speakers to ten, open the windows, and share this joy with your neighborhood.



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