Seriously - “No Salvation”

No Salvation“ is the latest single by USA-based Seriously and can only be described as a retro, 1980s ear worm. It is full of all the great sounds of that decade, skillfully avoiding all those cheesy noises we have tried so hard to forget.

The song starts with electric guitar string noise and a kick drum groove reminiscent of New Order‘s “Blue Monday.” The track quickly switches to a steady drum groove. “No Salvation“ is gorgeously stripped back making sure that steady beat become infectious. Jangly electric guitar either shimmers chords or almost frantically riffs as the song progresses.

I really like the attention to detail with the tones– whether 1980s topper noises, synths, or percussion, each is carefully selected and used sparingly to add to that nostalgic atmosphere. The bass line though is the real retro highlight as it melodically pulses through the production.

Midway through the song, there is a brief pause in the groove, giving us some classic 1980s tom fills. The whole arrangement is like some lost song from the decade of power. The vocals are reminiscent of the Talking Heads and are filled with the same quirky delivery that made them famous. Backing vocals are used really well in this song, providing a nice contrast to the lead vocal.

No Salvation,“ by Seriously, is the modern epitome of “the 1980s.” Seriously, they have selected all the great sound textures from the decade and made a really fun pop song… They actually have me missing the ‘80s… which tells you just how good the song is.


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