Bad Flamingo - “Mountain Road”

You know them! You love them! You cannot stop playing their songs! For the fifth time in the history of forever, Bad Flamingo is back on the blog– this time, it’s with the indie-Americana-spaghetti-western-folksy-lo-fi ballad, “Mountain Road.”

We still have just as much information about this mysterious duo as we did back in March, when we featured “Keep Off of You.” And all we can do is keep spinning their tunes in hopes that a tour will one day bring them within road tripping range. However, in true Bad Flamingo fashion, they’ve delivered unto us the musical goods and “Mountain Road” possesses all the fantastic elements that we’ve come to expect from their craft.

This one starts us off with the dusty strums of an acoustic guitar before the vocals bring forth those seductive lines of lyrics. We’ve often said that their music would fit perfectly within a Tarantino soundtrack, so when we heard the words, “From dusk til dawn,” we took it as some sort of cosmic clue that they agree. Complete with shakers and handclaps, the music guides us up into the hook, which is catchy enough to wiggle its way into your brain for the rest of the week.

Of course, it would not be a Bad Flamingo song without some moments of vibey guitar and vocal harmonies and with “Mountain Road,” your ears will be filled with a hefty dose of each. In fact, there are so many layers of both that it remarkably widens out the production, making it an absolute treat to hear through headphones and speakers alike. We’d tell you to give the song a spin, but if you’re anything like us, you already pressed play when you saw the words “Bad” and “Flamingo” in the same sentence.



Benjamin Charles - “Real”


Jasmine Iona - “Meteorites”