Laura Galindo - “The Both Of Us”

When Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter Laura Galindo sent over “The Both Of Us,” she assured us that it was “for a rainy day full of longing.” However, we are quite elated to inform you that it goes just as well with snowy days filled with crippling anxiety. In fact, once your doctor gets an earful of this track’s soothing sounds, we have a feeling that it will be prescribed to you.

The Both Of Us” encompasses a gamut of elements, from divinely organic drums to endlessly reverberating guitar tones. They magically intermingle to create a dreamlike soundscape that will immediately put your soul at ease. Layers of synth swell and swirl as the deep sounds from a bass keep the tune firmly grounded in reality. If you’re not instantly and completely in love with this song, get your hearing tested and start it from the top.

While the music, alone, is enough to earn its place on this page, the trophy goes to Galindo’s vocal performance. She possesses a voice that does not require autotune or any other means of digital manipulation– she simply wins over her listener by being authentic. Galindo delves into a jazz-tinged delivery that is simultaneously ethereal and dramatic, leaving a timeless sound to resonate with anyone within earshot.

Your patience shall reward you with a spotlight on a melodic trumpet solo that somehow avoids being pigeonholed into any specific genre. The composition rises and falls as though it is the lungs of the entire Brooklyn music scene, seducing you with multi-layered vocals that will have you returning to the play button, over and over again.



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