Kaycie Satterfield - “Jetsam”

Texas-born, Los Angeles-based indie artist Kaycie Satterfield makes her way onto our blog with the dreamy sounds of “Jetsam” via Earth Libraries.

The song opens with a bit of jet foley before completely nailing our niche for a guitar-driven pop production. Satterfield allows this sound to briefly marinate within our ears before the rhythm section arrives, gently decanting a foundation to support this authentically vibey utopia.

Satterfield’s vocal is a major highlight here, remarkably reminiscent of Katy Kirby and Mamalarky as she allows her lyrics to permeate the soundscape. The culmination of all these parts bake an astoundingly upbeat confection, and you should not be surprised to catch your feet blissfully tapping along.

The hook, of course, is the pièce de résistance. This crown jewel of a layered vocal cake is immediately enchanting upon entering your ears, and we urge you not to overindulge out of fear that all other dream pop songs shall die of envy. This multi-tracked prize, in all of its reverberating glory, is guaranteed to bring you back to “Jetsam” for multiple listens.

The tune contains just enough grit to let it walk the line betwixt pop and rock, and fans of Soccer Mommy and Snail Mail are sure to walk away with a new favorite. “Jetsam” is our first glimpse into Satterfield’s musical world, but we hope that she lets us peer in again, as it is impossible not to find yourself completely enthralled by the sound.   



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