Holly Munro - “Open Ended”

Photo by Greg Purcell

Gather ‘round and catch an earful of electro-folk-pop from Ireland’s Holly Munro, neatly packaged for you in a nice little bundle known as “Open Ended.”

After a quick intro, this tune opens right up into a tom tom-driven beat while a digital tone churns along the track’s underbelly. Munro’s vocal suddenly arrives, reminding us of the way it initially burrowed itself beneath our skin when we first heard her previous release, “Glow Up.” Needless to say, her talent runs deep, and, to reiterate, she could be singing gibberish and we would still cling tightly to every last syllable.

A guitar strums softly throughout the verse, leaving more than enough room for the vocal to shine along its mellifluous path. Layers of harmonies appear, adding even greater depth to the magnificently chill vibe within “Open Ended.” The round notes of some deep bass emerge, evolving the arrangement and securing the attention of everyone who hears. Patience shall reward you with an absolutely ethereal middle eight that brings the song a dreamy mood, rolling through the sound waves as though made of clouds.

Munro’s vocal returns to feed our ears one more fantastic chorus before enticing us to play “Open Ended” on a never-ending loop, or at least until she releases the rest of her new EP, Up Against Your Nature, due for a November 3rd release.



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