Minus Satellite - “Of Grief and Gratitude”

The first rule of riff club is you don’t talk about riff club, so I won’t tell you how awesome the riffing is, ok? And you won’t tell others about it either, unless of course they are in the club! (They are, so get to work spreading the word!)

I took a break from making soap in my kitchen to tear open an email and find out what this single-serving life had in store for me today. I am Mark’s satisfaction, because the boss sent over “Of Grief and Gratitude” by Minus Satellite for me to take a swing at. I clicked the link and my head started nodding involuntarily to a guitar that fires out a series of notes wicked enough to make Deftones’ Stephen Carpenter tape up his knuckles.

When the drums enter, the kick is so good that it’s like a gut punch from the man himself, Tyler Durden! Dazed from the dazzling production, I regain my composure and brace myself for vocals, which come in with conviction, doubled nicely, delivering an uppercut of emotion. When the chorus finally comes crashing in with doubled guitars that make my speakers joyfully explode, it does so with a beautiful time signature shift to 5/4 that floats and pummels all at once. Seriously, I had to look around to see if someone was knocking down skyscrapers! I’m happy to report that it was me who got knocked down, beaten silly by the powerful force of this rock trio.

The chorus brings the truth: “You sharpen the edges of the world in which we live. You sharpen the edges of this new world against our will.” Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about! Well… that’s what they are talking about! I can’t take credit for “Of Grief and Gratitude” being so awesome, but I can take credit for recognizing how awesome it is! I bet you’re wondering: “Does the bridge mutate the killer riff, shifting phrases and time signatures even more?” I think we both know the answer… it’s an unblinking nod from me.

Now, if everyone does their part, the world will soon know that Minus Satellite are a formidable rock band worthy of your time and attention. If you haven’t already pressed play, stop wading through my ramblings and get to listening! We are counting on you.


Punk Rock Saturday


Bandcamp Friday!