Ellie Irwin - “Pill That Won’t Go Down”

Boston-based big-city farm-girl Ellie Irwin has just released the soft, melancholic sounds of “Pill That Won’t Go Down.”

Irwin claims that she accidentally wrote the song in the middle of the night, which is precisely the vibe we’re getting here. “Pill That Won’t Go Down” is a gentle whisper of a folk song, seemingly performed while the rest of the house is sleeping, amidst the quiet, brutal thoughts of rejection.

The song opens to the enchanting tones of acoustic guitar, with Irwin’s vocal soon arriving, gliding through the arrangement as though a raw, honest confessional. The subject matter is bound to resonate with anyone who has ever been left to process the aftermath of heartbreak.

Pill That Won’t Go Down” remains sparse over its duration, much like the way we’re all left alone to confront our thoughts after the sun has gone down. Irwin has decorated the track with lovely layers of vocals and a gloriously reverberating lead guitar, but these elements never draw any emotion away from the task at hand.

This is the kind of song that takes a great deal of courage to reveal to the world, as the words can very easily open old, forgotten wounds– for both the songwriter and the listener. We foresee “Pill That Won’t Go Down” finding its way onto many playlists for the broken-hearted, providing fuel to the flames of despair.

Connect with Ellie Irwin: Instagram | Spotify | Soundcloud | TikTok



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