dae jobb - “a pretty dream”

There’s nothing quite like stepping a bit outside of our comfort zone in order to discover good music. And that is exactly how we stumbled across the raw and natural talent of dae jobb and her incredibly enchanting new release: “a pretty dream.”

The experimental sound that permeates from this track is the work of singer-songwriter Anna-Sophia Henry. We’re assuming that the sound is so far removed from her usual brand of indie that she created an alter ego in order to release it– and we are totally here for it.

a pretty dream” begins with a bit of nature foley before giving way to the exquisite vocal performance. dae jobb has been blessed with one of those voices that fills a modern niche while also maintaining a classic allure. As she flawlessly delivers the lyrics, we are picking up hints and textures reminiscent of artists such as Billie Eilish and Holly Humberstone, with a subtle harmony adding the melodious cherry on top.

The arrangement consists of a wide array of ethereal elements, ranging from effected guitar to synthy features, all washing across the soundscape like a dreamy, cinematic ocean of sound. A deep and melodic bass line brings a significant amount of weight and depth to the production and, when added to the electronic percussion, it allows the song to reverberate against the very walls of your existence.

What’s completely fascinating here is that, even with all of this occurring, “a pretty dream” never diverts from its more intimate foundation. And this is exactly why it fits so well with our predominantly stripped-back preferences– it never pretends to be anything more than the raw emotion that originally inspired it to be written. dae jobb adds: “This song is about leaving someone you love, and holding onto the shadow of them - even though you knew it was time to go.”



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