Cameron Sonnier - “Anytime”

Houston-based singer-songwriter Cameron Sonnier has just released the glorious sounds of “Anytime,” the first single from his sophomore album, Synchronicity.

This tune begins with a brief, synthy fade-in that quickly expands into a fully fleshed production. Bass and drums provide the slow and steady heartbeat of the track, while a reverberating guitar spectacularly soars through the production– the sound is completely mesmerizing and is so ethereal that, upon first listen, it could be mistaken for lap steel.

Sonnier’s vocal arrives, bringing with it all the splendid vibes of Wayne Coyne, which is precisely the moment we knew that the song belonged on our blog. “Anytime” is quite dreamy in its presentation and the kind of tune that you might repeatedly listen to in your car as you determine whether you should go home or just keep driving and never look back– a decision many of us likely have to make on a daily basis.

Anytime” does exactly what we hope all music will do– provide an escape from ourselves for three or four minutes in order to find some sort of meaning in our existence. Sonnier explains that the track is “about the fleeting nature of life, how we overcome hard times with a smile and move on, but are haunted by memories, places we’ve been and people we used to know, while creating more memories until we die.” Press play and not only will you agree, but you may find remnants of yourself as well.



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