Bad Flamingo - “I Won’t Let You Die Young”

If you wander around the internet long enough, you might find yourself on the website of Bad Flamingo. Once there, you will be greeted with the words of the late Oscar Wilde: “Give a man a mask and he will tell you the truth.” Though they have submitted their latest track, “I Won’t Let You Die Young,” little else is known about this masked duo, other than:

How freaking fantastic is that?! In a world full of people trying to become famous, these two have taken it upon themselves to do everything possible to remain anonymous. And we are completely here for it!

I Won’t Let You Die Young” begins in a peculiar fashion… Eerie… Almost chilling– but listener beware! For these mischievous musical bandits are also sirens, pulling you into their darkness with song! And if you do not steer your ship away from this ghostly tune before the 25 second mark, you will be lost inside of it forever, doomed to play it on repeat until the end of all things! You will miss your children’s birthdays! You will lose your job! That leftover piece of cheesecake in the fridge? Mold! We are not kidding! These Bad Flamingo balladeers deliver harmonies that were designed to hypnotize… to enslave… to spin musical spools of web around your brain until it is the only song that exists. It is a spell… It is a curse… It is absolutely beautiful.



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Rook Monroe / Qwiet Type