The David Joseph Apocadelia - “A-ok”

The David Joseph Apocadelia are a great psychedelic rock outfit based out of Brooklyn and Nashville. They are not copying Tame Impala, but are, instead, going for those classic 1960s-early 1970s tones. Their latest track, “A-ok,” was written during the pandemic in order to lift their spirits, and it’s clear from the first note that they have succeeded. The song opens with a mellotron, drums, and a guitar that has a distinct 1960s psychedelic sound. The vocals start and you are immediately drawn in by the cool, relaxed delivery. The drums kick the melody forward, while the guitar stabs on the beat and the keys provide a nice groove.

The double-tracked vocals are in all the right places and add depth and richness to the track. The deep, fuzzy bass is used sparingly, but it adds a really nice retro feel to the song. It makes me think of ELO, for some reason, but I am sure that is an incorrect association. The upbeat guitar solos are a standout feature. They are not flashy, but match the carefree and relatable lyrics perfectly. The use of different percussive sounds throughout the track is also well-executed, adding another layer of complexity and interest to the song. “A-ok” is a fantastic track if you’re a fan of traditional psychedelic music and want something to brighten up your day.


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