84 Tigers, a recommendation

Time in the Lighthouse will be available everywhere on October 21st

From their upcoming album, Time in the Lighthouse, Spartan Records84 Tigers unveil “Atlas Fractured,” a post-hardcore-sized morsel of heavenly heavy goodness. This song should have never been sent to us for a review; it should have been delivered via bullet, an instant “add this to a playlist and get it over with,” sealed with a big “you’re f’ing welcome.”

84 Tigers feature members of Small Brown Bike and The Swellers and lay it down in the vein of BoySetsFire and Handsome, with a dash of Fugazi and Quicksand. I know, and I hate drawing so many comparisons as well, but this song took me to that special, careless and carefree place and I simply need you to hear it so you can join me. “Atlas Fractured” is two and a half minutes of meaty guitar, hammering drums, pulverizing bass, and vocals that you will swear come from the spawn of Ian MacKaye. This is not a review; it is a recommendation.



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