Wax Owls - “Overpriced Buffets”

Photo by Nina Ripich

Los Angeles-based trio Wax Owls have just released the timeless and anthemic indie rock track “Overpriced Buffets.” This track draws heavily on the energetic, melodic and memorable tracks by classic rock bands of the past. The best comparison I can find that has a similar vibe is REO Speedwagon.

Overpriced Buffets“ ebbs and flows wonderfully on a tide of layered guitars. The rhythm guitar sets a solid foundation, providing a steady but driving sense of groove. Meanwhile, the lead guitar melodically and expressively shimmers throughout, offering abundant amounts of memorable hooks. Its role really heightens the emotional depth of the track, quite delectably, especially over the track’s halfway mark.

Acoustic guitar is also added for texture, heightening the composition’s sense of contrast and reflection– and that is before we get to the touches of slide guitar. Supporting this layered guitar arrangement are the beautifully dynamic drums that are awash with dynamic fills, syncopated grooves and sparkling cymbal work. Pinning the beat down is the tight and melodic flourishes of the bass.

Vocally, the track is a ten out of ten, in every sense. The expressive delivery is heartfelt and filled with a sense of passionate joy and resilience. The performance shifts with ease from the verses that are imbued with a narrator-like delivery to the dynamic choruses that truly reach soaring heights. The harmonies surrounding the performance are sublime and, again, are strongly reminiscent of REO Speedwagon.

Vocalist Gerry Hirschfeld adds: “For both Chris and I, it was the risk of pursuing our passion in music because we were dissatisfied with being lawyers and we would both rather fail doing the thing we love than being ok somewhere we hated. Once we had come to that realisation, what could have been a frightening moment, became exciting. We wanted that cathartic excitement to be reflected both in the melody but also the music of the song.”

Wax Owls have crafted something truly spectacular with “Overpriced Buffets.” The track is brimmed full of iconic sounds and memorable melodies, guaranteeing it to be your next favourite track.

Connect with Wax Owls: Spotify | Instagram | Facebook

-John Michie


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